Good oral hygiene and dental habits are incredibly important. Without proper care, teeth will decay and cause any number of health complications. Cavities, toothaches, bad breath, gum disease, and more are all caused by bad oral and eating habits. Of course, they are all preventable as well and choosing the right foods and dental care habits can make all the difference between beautiful, healthy teeth and rotten, decaying ones.
Bad Eating Habits
One of the most common causes of tooth decay and oral health issues is bad eating habits. Crunching on something like leftover ice can cause teeth to fracture. So can sucking on things like fruit pits. Using teeth to tear open plastic bags is another bad habit that can cause potential damage. Teeth are not tools and they are not meant to crunch on cold, hard pieces of ice for prolonged periods of time.
There are also foods that need to be avoided as well. Sugary foods are at the top of the list as excess sugar remains on teeth and turns to bacteria and plaque. Other foods to avoid are sticky foods, acidic foods, foods low in nutritional value, and supersized foods. None of these are beneficial to oral health and all have the potential to cause bacteria and plaque buildup.
Nervous Habits
Nervous habits like teeth grinding and chewing on things like pencils, pens, or toothpicks are also detrimental to oral hygiene. Teeth grinding wears on the edges of teeth and can cause breakage. The same is true for nervous chewing on inanimate objects. Avoid using teeth for anything other than eating if possible.
The Right Dental Equipment
Using the right toothbrush is important when considering proper oral health care. Firmer isn’t always better. For people with sensitive teeth or gums, firm bristles can be uncomfortable and can even cause more damage to the gums.
Just as choosing the wrong toothbrush is harmful, so is incorrect brushing or flossing. Patients should brush their teeth twice a day and floss at least once daily. Never brush too hard or too often. Cover both the inside and outside of tooth surfaces and never start in the same place for back to back brushings. Lastly, remember to rinse and remove all excess toothpaste.
By eliminating bad habits and focusing on good oral hygiene, a lot of potential dental problems can be avoided. Prevention is the best medicine for dealing with bad dental habits.