Diabetes and its contribution to gum disease
June 1st, 2021Diabetes is a terrible disease with an enormous impact on the lives of those affected. There are numerous health risks and side effects of the disease for diabetes patients and among those is the risk of periodontal (gum) disease. If diabetes sufferers fail to properly control sugar intake, the higher levels of glucose in their mouth can encourage growth of more bacteria. If left untreated, this excessive bacteria presence can lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease.
How Periodontal Disease Works
Periodontal (gum) disease develops when bacteria and plaque overwhelm a patient’s teeth. Infection develops and over time, bone, gums and tissue deteriorate and are destroyed. At that point, the damage is extensive and treatment is done by deep cleaning, scaling, root planing, and eventual surgery. Missing or damaged teeth will have to be extracted, filled, or replaced with crowns or bridges.
Vicious Cycle
Patients with both diabetic and periodontal risk have even more to worry about. One of the biggest issues with diabetes in relation to periodontal disease is the fact that the two are part of a vicious cycle that feed off each other. Patients with diabetes who allow glucose to damage teeth and cause periodontal disease also find that periodontal disease increases blood sugar levels. One is caused by the other and in turn, returns the favor.
Eating Right Matters
There are ways to get a handle on the risk of periodontal disease for diabetic patients. High sugar content is the enemy of both diabetes and oral healthcare. A patient can go a long way toward preventing gum disease and diabetic side effects by getting a firm grip on sugar intake. Eating right can make all the difference and not only will it benefit oral health and diabetic issues, the right menu can add to overall health and well being.
Prevention Tips
Proper oral hygiene habits can make a huge impact on eliminating the probability of developing periodontal disease. Even if a person is suffering from diabetes and their sugar intake is higher than it should be, proper brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups will make a difference.
The important thing to remember when dealing with periodontal disease is to eliminate the cause factors associated with its inception. Keeping teeth clean and free of bacteria and plaque are crucial. Since sugar and glucose are substantial contributors to both bacteria and plaque, removal is the key. Take preventative steps and hopefully diabetes won’t lead to periodontal disease.