August 1st, 2021
Good oral hygiene and dental habits are incredibly important. Without proper care, teeth will decay and cause any number of health complications. Cavities, toothaches, bad breath, gum disease, and more are all caused by bad oral and eating habits. Of course, they are all preventable as well and choosing the right foods and dental care […]
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June 1st, 2021
Diabetes is a terrible disease with an enormous impact on the lives of those affected. There are numerous health risks and side effects of the disease for diabetes patients and among those is the risk of periodontal (gum) disease. If diabetes sufferers fail to properly control sugar intake, the higher levels of glucose in their […]
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April 1st, 2021
A dry mouth (xerostomia) is a condition where the salivary glands fail to produce enough saliva to keep the mouth moist. Once this happens, there is no way for food debris or bacteria to be washed from the surface of teeth and this can greatly increase the chances of cavities and periodontal (gum) disease. Although […]
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February 1st, 2021
When a tooth has been infected or badly decayed, it can cause severe pain and lead to other dental complications. Failing to treat the tooth can cause long-term consequences because the tissue around the tooth can become infected. Eventually, an abscess can form around the tooth. If you are experiencing pain or your dentist has […]
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