Dental Emergencies

Do you know what to do in a dental emergency?

 What constitutes a dental emergency?

 A “dental emergency” is a situation in which:

  • A tooth is knocked out
  • A tooth is cracked
  • A tooth is partially dislodged or “extruded”
  • An object is stuck between your teeth
  • You have a toothache
  • A filling or crown is dislodged

If you’re not sure whether something is a dental emergency, it’s always best to come in. If you have a dental emergency, there are steps you can take before your appointment to protect your teeth.

What should I do if my tooth is cracked, knocked out, or dislodged?

If your tooth is cracked or chipped, try to save any pieces of the tooth that have fallen out. Rinse your mouth using warm water, and rinse the pieces as well. Apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth while waiting to see the dentist. If your mouth is bleeding, gently apply gauze.

You should also apply a cold compress and gauze if your entire tooth has been knocked out. Try to save the tooth and gently rinse it in warm water. While waiting to see the dentist, protect the tooth by storing it in milk or salt water. If you are able to see the dentist within one hour, there is a high chance that the tooth can be saved and returned to the socket.

If your tooth has been dislodged, simply apply a cold compress, take a pain reliever such as Advil if needed, and come in to the office as soon as possible.

What should I do if I have a toothache?

Rinse your mouth with warm water. Floss to remove any possible irritants that could be causing the toothache. While you wait for your appointment, hold a cold compress to the outside of your mouth.

What should I do if an object is stuck in my teeth?

If you can’t remove an object by flossing, come into the office as soon as possible. Do not try to remove the object with a sharp object, as this can damage your gums or the surface of your teeth.

What should I do if my filling, crown, or inlay falls out?

When a crown or filling falls out, it can be painful because of the air and pressure exposed to the damaged tooth. Try to save the filling or crown, rinse it with warm water, and make an appointment as soon as possible. While you wait to see the dentist, apply a bit of clove oil to the affected area. Clove oil, which you can buy at your local pharmacy, will provide pain relief.